Awaiting Payment
When you click on confirm exchange that will be redirect to payment form.
You have 24 hours to pay for your exchange order. If you don’t pay order will be changed to this status.
This status will be appear when you already paid for your order. The exchanger is waiting for the action from our side.This status may have also shown when payment is manual, you clicked on confirm before making a payment in this case we will check your exchange order If we don't received your payment we will cancel or delete your order.
This status will be appear when we already complete your order from our side. I.e. we send money to you.
This status means that we refused the order and given back money to you. Common reason for denying an order:
- If you enter wrong data when you create an exchange order.
- If you do not follow payment sending rules properly.
When you cancel the exchange order before you make a payment or cancelled by us.